Machine learning applications have been written since the late 1950s (see Perceptron, 1958). The term “machine learning” was accredited to Arthur Samuel in 1959. With the recent interest in Deep Learning (see Geoffrey Hinton et al., 2006) machine learning techniques have become valuable tools for the data scientist. Machine learning is a field of … Continue reading Machine learning using Zeppelin and Scikit-Learn
Introduction to Scala using Zeppelin
Object-Oriented Meets Functional Have the best of both worlds. Construct elegant class hierarchies for maximum code reuse and extensibility, implement their behavior using higher-order functions. Or anything in-between. Many organizations leading social movements, Twitter and Foursquare as an example, are early champions of Scala and are currently in production using Scala applications. As current … Continue reading Introduction to Scala using Zeppelin
Statistics for Data Scientists using Zeppelin
Data science is the synthesis of domain knowledge, statistics, computer science, information technology and, many times, human intuition. This course provides the gate-way to becoming a data scientist. The entry-point to becoming a data scientist is knowledge of various statistical techniques used by data scientists referred to as exploratory data analysis, or EDA. While knowledge … Continue reading Statistics for Data Scientists using Zeppelin
Introduction to Python using Zeppelin
With its power and simplicity Python has become the scripting language of choice for many large organizations, including Nissan, Google and IBM. Apache Zeppelin is an open-source, web-based notebook and integrated development environment (IDE) that enables data-driven, interactive data analytics and collaborative documents with Python, SQL, Scala, R, Java and other programming languages and frameworks. … Continue reading Introduction to Python using Zeppelin
Data Science Without a Degree
Data Science Without a Degree: A 4-Part Introductory Program Statistics for Data Scientists using Zeppelin This course is the gateway to becoming a data scientist and offers the knowledge of various statistical techniques referred to as Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). Today’s data scientists are expected to be programmers or application developers. This course will deliver both … Continue reading Data Science Without a Degree
DUGTalks Launch in Orlando May 15
Imagine if you could save high tech companies time (years) and money (millions) by understanding how data management best practices evolve at any given moment. Powered by DFHeinz and sponsored by Purple, Rock, Scissors, Data User Group (DUG) Talks, connect subject-matter experts across the globe with enterprises who seek to build better requirements and generate value … Continue reading DUGTalks Launch in Orlando May 15
A lucrative deal for engineers: Work remotely
A lucrative deal for engineers: Work remotely by Jenna Buehler As the Space Coast seeks to beef up its talent attraction muscles — and support corporate stakeholders in attracting the best and the brightest — a local, big data consulting team is promoting a “work remote” initiative that is scaling its membership more globally. Daryl … Continue reading A lucrative deal for engineers: Work remotely
DUGTalks: Enterprise Data Management Unleashed
Imagine if you could save high tech companies time (years) and money (millions) by understanding how data management best practices change at any given moment Data User Group (DUG) Talks connect subject-matter experts across the globe with enterprises who seek to build better requirements and generate value from their data today. These free … Continue reading DUGTalks: Enterprise Data Management Unleashed
Data User Group: Apache Hive2
Anyone that is looking to trim the cost and the buzz words out of their existing data solutions dialogue will appreciate Daryl’s free “DUGTalks” series this Tuesday, Sept 26 at Groundswell Startups in Downtown Melbourne. The next session will feature a 45-minute introduction to “Apache Hive2″. Daryl says he is most passionate about this … Continue reading Data User Group: Apache Hive2
Data User Group Meetup in Space Coast, FL
Anyone that is looking to trim the cost and the buzz words out of their existing data solutions dialogue will appreciate Daryl’s free “DUGTalks” series beginning Aug 24, 5:30PM at Groundswell Startups in Downtown Melbourne. The first session will feature a 45-minute introduction to “Sentiment Analysis with Hadoop”. Daryl says he is most passionate about … Continue reading Data User Group Meetup in Space Coast, FL